

Baltimore Comic-Con: Thor's hammer challenge


"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

York, Pennsylvania man John Shepard is worthy. 

There are many like it, but Shepard's replica Thor hammer came closest to Mjölnir. Only Shepard, and other Norse gods (and real comic book fans) actually know how to pronounce it. 

Shepard, 55, has been attending comic book conventions "since before it was cool to come to these kind of things," he said. 

Over the weekend, Shepard and his hand-forged Thor's hammer made an appearance at Baltimore Comic-Con

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Dozens stopped and asked Shepard for a photo. Some were brave enough to ask the Thunder God if they could hold his hammer. Some were less than worthy. 

"It's made of steal and weighs 42 pounds," Shepard said. 

And he carried it around the convention for hours. 

"I work at Harley Davidson in York, in the factory," he said. 

Well, that explains that. 

Watch the video above to see who thought they were worthy enough to wield the Hammer of Thor.