BALTIMORE — They’re at a new location here at impact village off south Hanover street, but their mission is the same, dress as many men as possible.
Over 1500 dress shirts. Thousands and thousands of ties and the most important part, dozens of suits.
All donated in great condition free and up for grabs tomorrow.
"We vet everything. We make it sure it doesn’t have holes or stains," said Kenneth Cole.
For the first time in their new location in South Baltimore’s Impact Village, sharp dressed man is hosting their holiday suit giveaway.
"We are going to keep going until we run out of clothing," they said.
They will have volunteers on hand to help every client find the perfect fit.
"We like it to be a retail experience. We want people to have the ability to come and shop and pick out what makes them look and feel good," said Elisa Wells Executive Director for Sharp Dressed Man.
Unlike their usual Wednesday service where a referral from a community partner is needed, the giveaway is open to the public.
"Spring is coming so a lot of times there are a lot of young men who come for suits for prom or graduation. Things of that nature. We do still also get a lot of folks who are in reentry or they have been newly released from incarceration."
Executive Director Elisa Wells says a suit is often the last hurdle for men getting back on their feet. Sharp Dressed Man helps them put their best foot forward for job interviews.
"The suit is the restoration of their dignity, it’s empowering them. It gives them back their self esteem their sense of self."
They’ll be there from 9 to 4 p.m. Saturday.