NewsIn Focus


AI powered programs creating a new type of revenge pornography

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BALTIMORE, MD — Artificial intelligence is becoming more apart of our everyday lives.

Google and Facebook's search engines are now using artificial intelligence, but not every use of AI is for good.

Deep fakes are making it easier for people to create naked photos or videos of someone and use the artificial pornography to get revenge.

“They’re using it to threaten or coarse their victim into doing things saying that they have this and they’re going to use it," said Melanie Shapiro with the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence.

The tech is easy to find, a simple google search comes back with dozens of programs.

Making it easier for abusers to access the programs that are getting better and better.

“So, it’s definitely getting better, and it’s getting easier, and it’s getting more accessible. It is now at capabilities where you can just have it on your phone," said Cristina Lopez, an analyst at Graphika, which monitors social media trends.

According to victims advocates, it’s also easy to use.

Where before you might need multiple images, now all it takes is one.

“So, it’s a huge problem, not only in the intimate partner context, but really for any use. We’re seeing a real increase in people capturing your image from the internet. Maybe you’ve got a picture on Facebook or something on your LinkedIn and they can use that image to create pornography," said Lisae Jordan, executive director of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault

“That’s one of the things that’s so frightening, it is something that can be used against any kind of person that has something out there in the universe," said Shapiro.

Currently, Maryland's laws don’t specifically mention this type of revenge porn.

“We wanted to address the issue of non-consensual consumer generated sexual imagery," said Senator Katie Fry Hester, a Democrat from Montgomery and Howard counties.

Senator Hester’s bill didn’t pass.

She essentially shut down the bill when changes were made in the house that would’ve made a-i revenge porn weaker than other forms.

“It’s so difficult to tell the images that the computer generated images from the real images that you might have people that had actually really committed the real revenge porn crime who are claiming that it’s actually a deep fake to get the lesser sentence," said Senator Hester.

Senator Hester says new laws around the issue are a priority for the legislature during next year’s session.