LifestyleMidday Maryland


Archdiocese of Baltimore


Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore provide innovative learning environments for students. Technology is an essential part of the curriculum, allowing students in the archdiocese to learn in a more collaborative manner. Students, across all grade levels (Pre-K to 12), have opportunities throughout the school day and after school to work with drones and 3D printing, or take part in coding and Robotics. Instruction in Catholic schools is hands-on, project-based and infused with technology to allow students to collaborate, communicate, problem-solve, and research.


Technology integration also makes differentiated instruction possible. Technology programs have become a vital tool for teachers, allowing them to collect formative data to adjust their instruction. Teachers are now able to give more guidance and support to students who are having difficulty with a particular concept while challenging those students who are excelling. 


Student-centered environments are another component of the 21st-century Catholic school experience. Classrooms have a variety of configurations depending on the activity and needs of the students.  You may see students sitting in Adirondack and bean bag chairs or on the carpet working on projects. Flexible seating is important because it allows students to feel comfortable and engaged in the learning process.


To learn more about Catholic education, or to find a Catholic school near you, click here.