LifestyleMidday Maryland


Remington Storefront Challenge


The Remington Storefront Challenge (RSC) is a city-wide competition that will serve as a launchpad for entrepreneurs and innovators in Baltimore City.

Up for grabs are two prime retail locations in the neighborhood of Remington, right next to R. House, and the winners will receive a storefront rent-free for a pop-up period of up to two years. Winners will also receive a significant tenant improvement allowance to use in order to outfit their spaces.

Applications will be be reviewed and winners selected by a panel of judges made up of Remington residents, representatives from anchor institutions, and local business owners. Many partners in Remington came together to put on the RSC, including the Greater Remington Improvement Association (GRIA), Seawall, and Johns Hopkins University.

Applications are due by February 1, 2019, and you can find more information and apply here.