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4More pushes to expand Baltimore County council


BALTIMORE — Linda Dorsey-Walker sees a problem with the Baltimore County council.

Not only is the current seven-person council made up entirely of men, six of the seven members are white men.

Dorsey-Walker says the seven council members in Baltimore County represent the highest number of constituents of any county in the state.

She wants to add four more council members.

"We're way out of line with everyone else in the state of Maryland and in addition to that, that larger size means county council members are frequently less accessible, less accountable," said Dorsey-Walker with Vote 4More.

Dorsey-Walker has more than 7,000 signatures petitioning the council to add a ballot measure in the 2024 election.

We spoke with Councilman Izzy Patoka about the upcoming vote and the chance the council is expanded, he's in favor of adding council members.

"I don't think it's about the individual council members that are here today, I think it's about what is the right thing to do moving into the future and it's not a statement of if we have good or bad council members," said Councilman Patoka.

Chairman Julian Jones says he looks forward to the results of the work group but doesn't think the council needs expanding.

"I mean it's not an issue that people call me every day asking about. People call me about their schools, police, issues that they deal with every day," said Jones.

The work group, if it's passed, would be made up of three members selected by the county executive, one by each of the council members and three from different county departments.

The group will have to wrap up their study by the end of march for the council to be able to add it to the 2024 ballot.