JOPPATOWNE, Md. — Cyahana Strand wears a sweatshirt with a photo of her and her boyfriend printed on it, and the dates of his too-short life underneath.
"He was a person that everybody wanted to be around. Like no matter what the energy was, he was just always smiling. He was the type of person that anybody can go to about anything and he wouldn't judge," she told WMAR-2 News' Elizabeth Worthington.

15-year-old Warren Grant was shot by his fellow classmate after a fight broke out in the boy's bathroom at Joppatowne High School on Friday. Strand held him in her arms in the hallway until he was airlifted to the hospital, where he later passed away.
16-year-old Jaylen Prince was charged with murder after police caught him near the school Friday. Parents say he never should have been able to get past the front doors with a gun on him.
Marcus Custer has three sons in the Harford County Public School system.
"I can't sit by and just watch them live their life in fear," he told WMAR-2 News on Monday. "We have to show these kids that we hear their cries and we're gonna be there for them."
He started a petition, calling for the school system to install metal detectors, and for students to be required to use clear backpacks. It has thousands of signatures so far.
"The clear backpacks is, I think, a clear option. That shouldn’t even be thought twice of," Custer said. The metal detectors is gonna be where a lot of the backlash is at, because of cost and whatnot. But if our kids know that they're protected from the time they get in the door, then they're gonna be able to take a breath. I don't know how you're gonna look any of these kids in the face that have experienced this and be able to tell them, deal with it."
Another parent, interviewed before the vigil held in Grant's honor on Sunday, echoed a similar sentiment.
"We need to join together. We need to put metal detectors in schools," Sandra Espinosa said. "It needs to be safe when they walk in the doors, they need to know that this is a safe place. And we need to make them have clear backpacks so we can see what they’re bringing to school. One kid should not be able to harm another in any time, but when they go to school, they need to know that this is a safe place."
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, parent Anthony Glover told WMAR-2 News, "I don’t think they’re doing enough at all. I don’t know if it’s the metal detectors, or whatever they need to enforce in these schools. Granted, I understand you don’t want the school to feel like prison. But at the same time you have to do what you have to do to keep our children safe."
Custer said the school system shouldn't shoulder all of the responsibility. It's also on the community and the parents, he said.
In Focus look at schools in Maryland that have metal detectors
In a video message posted online, Superintendent Dr. Sean Bulson said he's received many suggestions about how to improve school security, and he will consider every recommendation.
"That said, I ask people to not lose sight of the most effective deterrent to tragedy in our schools – relationships characterized by open communication. Please encourage people to speak up if they have concerns or learn of threats to our students, our schools, or our community," Dr. Bulson told families. "Our staff are trained to elevate information they receive to the appropriate authorities whenever information reaches them about potential safety issues. Local law enforcement is an incredibly responsive partner to Harford County Public Schools whenever we make them aware of any type of threat. If you see something, say something, and please encourage your children to do the same."
Some Harford County Public Schools were closed Monday. Joppatowne High School is closed until Thursday.
You can sign the petition here.
Custer wanted to include this message to the community:
"First, I’m sorry. I’m sorry we failed this child. I’m sorry to both parties involved in this tragedy. I’m sorry to all the families affected. I’m sorry that we, as a community, have grown distant and allowed this to happen. We need to return to a place of love and peace. I promise you, we will not let this continue. We will not accept violence in our community anymore. This tragic event will be the turning point for us. Please, if you’re hearing this, sign the petition. Even if you don’t agree that metal detectors and clear backpacks are the perfect solution, it’s a way to show our youth that we care, and it’s something we can do now to provide them with a sense of safety that they desperately need. I’m calling on local churches, charities, and groups. Pastor Reeves, a powerful figure in our community, is someone I would love to work with on this. His influence can bring us together in a meaningful way. I’m also reaching out to Keith Lee, an influencer who is touring in the DMV area. His platform could help us bring much-needed attention to this issue. We need to come together. Now is the time for peace and safety. If you are interested in making a change, joining the conversation, or contacting me directly, please consider joining our Facebook group Harford County Cares."