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An East Baltimore neighborhood gets a weeklong cleanup


BALTIMORE — Paul Dixson is the pastor of the Church without Walls in East Baltimore.

He's partnered with Rock City Church helping bring in people from all throughout the country to help pick up trash, pull weeds and help paint a mural.

"We're teaching them [about] working in the field and how fortunate they are to have a house and parents and live in a good neighborhood," said Brenda Nikales.

She's here from California. Cleaning up this North Glover Street community is something that moves her spiritually and emotionally.

"A lot of my friends who went back from Baltimore say it's a life-changing experience. It's not easy but it's been rewarding. How God can move through this younger generation,
Nikales said.

Joining her in this cleanup is 11-year-old Jackson Parson from Pennsylvania, who says despite the intense heat, he loves helping out.

"When you clean the city it makes it fresher and it looks better," said Parson.

Equally as happy as Parson is Dixson. It warms his heart seeing people from all over invest time into his city.

"It means a lot that someone would see value and not just see a ghetto or hood that's been broken," said Dixson.

"I asked them what was their motivation for coming and mostly all of them said I just want to serve people," said Dixson.

"It's important for the kids to see so they don't live in a bubble but to see what is out there and how fortunate they are. Second, it's just to bless the community, knowing that we care for you and God is with us, and God is working through us to serve," said Nikales.

"Being alive is just being a blessing to other people," Nikales added.

Before these church members return to their respective homes, they will have a block party Saturday, June 6 from noon to three on the 1500 block of Homestead Street. One lucky veteran will get a free home.