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Baltimore City Councilman aims to prohibit "the willful use of incorrect names or pronouns"

Expanded protections for those with AIDS or HIV
Posted 8:16 PM, May 02, 2023
and last updated 8:34 PM, May 02, 2023

BALTIMORE — New legislation introduced at Monday's Baltimore City Council meeting aims to expand anti-discrimination laws to include gender identity, and those with HIV or AIDS.

Article 4 of the Community Relations section of the Baltimore City Code already protects most civil rights when it comes to the work place, education, housing, and medical care.

Councilman Kristerfer Burnett wants to now amend the City Code to prohibit "the willful use of incorrect names or pronouns."

For example Burnett's bill would make it unlawful "for any employer, employment agency, or labor organization to willfully and repeatedly use an individual’s incorrect name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the individual’s correct name or pronouns, unless otherwise required by law."

The same would go for owners, managers, and workers at a place of public accommodation, including resorts, as well as educational institutions, health facilities, and housing complexes.

As for health facilities not only would "willful and repeated" misgendering be prohibited under Burnett's amendment, but the law would allow people to use a bathroom based on the gender they identify as.

Burnett's proposal would also offer the same protections for those diagnosed with AIDS or HIV.

This particular section of the City code was last amended in 2010. To read the current version, clickhere.

For the revised version with Burnett's proposed amendments, clickhere.

The amended bill still needs to go through the City Solicitor's Office before it can be voted on and go into effect.

At least five other council members have co-sponsored the revised code.