BALTIMORE — A new swimming spot is on the way for West Baltimore residents.
On Thursday, city leaders announced the start of construction for the Greater Model Aquatic Center.
That's in Poppleton, a couple of blocks from the Edgar Allen Poe House.
The center will replace the Greater Model pool, which has been closed for five years because it was in disrepair.
People at the groundbreaking said the center is important for recreation, but even more important for life skills.
"So many of our young people have been neglected and not had the opportunity to learn how to swim, but that could save lives," Baltimore City Councilman John Bullock said.
"This is another opportunity where we are going to be looking for young people. I'm starting to promote right now, young people who are looking for opportunities. If you don't know how to swim, we'll teach you how to swim. We'll teach you how to be a lifeguard," said Reginald Moore, executive director of Baltimore City Recreation and Parks.
The aquatic center will be the fourth city aquatics facility currently being built.
The other three are set to open next year.