PIKESVILLE, Md. — A new vision for the historic Pikesville Armory is slowly coming to life.
On Friday Baltimore County announced a $9.5 million investment towards planning, designing and constructing an outdoor walking path, playground and athletic fields on the 14 acre-property. The plan also calls for adding 30,000 square feet of indoor sports courts.
Back in 2023 the County transferred the land to the Pikesville Armory Foundation with the goal of turning the site into a recreational space.
Officials now want to build a 25,000 square foot senior center as well, but the first stage is to renovate the NCO Club building – which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Once completed, around spring 2025, the building will house Pikesville-based parks and rec employees, and provide event space for community and local organizations.
MORE: Transforming historic military site into community hub
Groundbreaking for the project's second phase is scheduled for early 2026, with an estimated two-year completion window.
The Foundation along with the Seawall and Onyx Development companies are heading up construction efforts.
For now they're covering most costs, with hopes of receiving state funding and outside help.
The County says they won't be on the hook for any budget shortfalls if extra financial assistance isn't provided.
"Should expected outside funding not materialize, the outdoor recreational amenities will still be constructed and Baltimore County will not be responsible for absorbing any budget shortfalls. Additional terms will be included in soon-to-be executed letters of intent," the County said in a press release.