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DPW supervisor accused of paying off employee to hide assault


BALTIMORE — A DPW supervisor is facing multiple charges after allegedly paying off an employee to hide assault.

On January 3, the victim contacted the Human Resources Department to report the incident.

According to charging documents, the suspect, 51-year-old Jerome Ragsdale, allegedly propositioned on many occasions attempting to have sex with the victim and even offered for him to come to her home. He also would offer to pay her in her absence even if she was not at work.

Ragsdale allegedly solicited to have sexual relations with the victim so she would not be transferred to another location.

The victim also states that on January 4, her assistant superintendent came to her work site and told her that Ragsdale would pay $1,000 to recant her statement. She later informed Human Resources of what happened and reported the proposition of payment.

After interviewing with the police, the victim stated that she has worked for the City of Baltimore for 25 years, and during her tenure, Ragsdale has been her supervisor and he holds the position of Chief Superintendent.

She stated that she and Ragsdale would have to drive to job sites together.

In March of 2022, she and Ragsdale were heading to a work site, when she entered the vehicle Ragsdale allegedly stated to the victim "we're going for a ride."

After asking Ragsdale where they were going, he stated they were going to a hotel. She quickly asked him to stop the car and let her out.

Refusing to comply, Ragsdale continued onward to his proposed destination, which was a hotel in northeast Baltimore.

When they arrived, they spotted another employee, which then startled Ragsdale causing him to pull to the side of the building. After stopping, Ragsdale then puled out money attempting to entice the victim.

After the incident, Ragsdale then drove them back to work.

He is being charged with second degree assault and fourth degree sexual contact.