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East Baltimore community receives a $1 million investment


BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Community Foundation and National Nonprofit Community Solutions are investing $1 million into the Mayflower Apartments in East Baltimore.

The goal is to renovate the property and create affordable housing for those earning 80% of the median income in the city and those using vouchers to end the cycle of homelessness.

Kendell Baldwin, a local veteran, picked up his keys on Thursday, ending his recent homeless journey.

"When you're looking for help, sometimes you run into people, and you can tell that you're not really their priority. You're not gonna get mad or anything because you still need to help, but you understand what it is. But people here—you can tell that they are really genuine and really willing to help," says Baldwin.

"To hear that story of a veteran that received the keys to their unit today, and I have access to this quality and affordable housing. It's really heartening, because that's our money in action for Baltimore," says Christopher Warman, program officer with the Baltimore Community Foundation.

BCF and National Nonprofit Community Solutions, based in New York, are investing in the Mayflower.

The million-dollar loan between the two will stretch over 10 years. They say investing in the Mayflower is important because of its location.

"The Mayflower is also in close proximity to a VA site, and then close proximity to public transportation bus stops are right there," says Warman.

BCF wants to help provide permanent financing for the Mayflower apartments through various grants.

"The challenge with unhoused people in Baltimore City is something that's on a lot of people's minds. People that live in the city, it's something they're concerned about," says Warman.

The complex will become more accessible and continue to remain affordable while also getting some renovations. It was a win-win for everyone involved.

"For all my veterans out there, if you're going through a hard time, don't be afraid to ask for help. I probably could've used this for five months ago. Everybody needs help at some time in the life and don't be afraid to ask for it," says Baldwin.