BALTIMORE — An altercation at a children’s basketball game leads to a gunman shooting up a car stopped at a red light on York Road.
Evidence leads to Tavon Singleton and Cassandra McRae as two of the suspects.
“Singleton and McRae were indicted for the First Degree Murder of Anntoinette Jennings, 52, and related charges for four other non-fatal victims including an 11-year-old child,” announced Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates.
VIDEO: Easy prey in Baltimore
RELATED: Triple shooting leaves one woman dead, man and child injured in North Baltimore
Another of the most egregious cases involves a 22-year-old man who was living with his grandparents in their home in the 5700 block of Nasco Place.
Andrew Reed allegedly battered his grandfather who was bedridden with terminal cancer and grabbed his grandmother by the neck for refusing to take him to purchase marijuana.
His grandfather died three days later.
Last, but not least, comes 27-year-old Bryant Peyton.

He allegedly gunned down a man on the street in the shadows of Blessed Sacrament Church and the motive remains a mystery.
“You’re walking down the street with your two grandchildren going to the corner store and all of the sudden someone basically takes a gun and blows your brains out next to your grandchildren. For us, we don’t really care about the motive,” said Bates, “We care about your actions, which are so violent and vicious that you deserve to be in prison the rest of your natural born life.”
They are all cases that involve inhumane acts targeting unsuspecting victims that beg for justice and healing in a city that has long been short on both.
“Baltimore is writing the greatest American comeback story in history,” said City Council President Zeke Cohen, “and it is the combination of swift justice and healing for victims and witnesses that we badly need.”