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Emaciated dog, malnourished cat found in Baltimore home

Bambi and Oreo were found severely malnourished

BALTIMORE — A starving dog and cat were found in a power-less house in Baltimore City yesterday, where the owner said he couldn't care for them after losing his job.

Bambi, a young dog, and Oreo, a fluffy cat, hadn't eaten in three weeks, according to the owner. Bambi was found "confined to a filthy crate... Emaciated, with open sores and her ribs and spine painfully visible, she was standing on wire with no tray for comfort."

Oreo was "also severely malnourished, his long coat hiding the bones that jutted out beneath."

That's what BARCS Animal Shelter reported today.

They're using the incident to remind people that "neglect and abuse of animals is never excusable" and BARCS has resources to ensure animals don't get to this point.

The owner, who was at the home, "appeared to be packing up their belongings" and told the Animal Control officers about the pets' situation.

Bambi is in critical condition and was taken to an emergency hospital, while Oreo is being cared for by BARCS' veterinary team.

BARCS is asking people to donate to the Franky Fund, which helps animals like Bambi and Oreo.

The shelter added:

If ever you find yourself in a crisis where you are unable to feed or provide care to your pets, please reach out to BARCS for help. We have programs designed to keep families not just together, but healthy together.

Animal Control, who handles the enforcement for animal cruelty and neglect in Balitmore City, is actively working on this case. As it just happened last night, there are no additional updates to share at this time.