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Fed up with flooding, Anneslie neighbors demand change


BALTIMORE COUNTY — Anytime it rains in Anneslie, there's a threat flood waters fill Ashley Hoover's basement.

It's gotten to the point she's used to pumping water out.

"I just went to Home Depot and got all the tools I needed, dehumidifiers, I have my own dehumidifiers, I have my own wet vac now. I'm pretty used to it unfortunately," said Hoover whose lived in the neighborhood for five years.

Hoover's house is at the bottom of where two hills meet.

All the water that falls in her neighbors yards makes its way to hers.

This Tuesday when rain soaked the Towson area, Hoover was left cleaning up.

"It got pretty bad pretty fast and the volume of water just couldn't keep up with the volume of flood waters from the street and it washed out the whole yard and went in the basement, overflowed the sump and came into the basement," said Hoover.

Rugs are still drying out in her back yard and you can still see some of the damage it did to her plants.

Hoover has to use these in-home sandbags to control the water.

Lessons she's picked up since her first storm back in 2018.

"In 2018 it was over $10,000 worth of damage, this time I didn't even report it to insurance," said Hoover.

Hoover says she's reached out to the county about improving the drainage in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, she doesn't think anything will be done about the flooding.

"This is a nice neighborhood and we all want to live here but we'd prefer to not have our houses washed out to sea," said Hoover.

Until then, Hoover will stay ready to clean up the flooding.

We reached out to the county to see if they are aware of the issue and if any plans to address it have been made.

So far, there's been no response.