BALTIMORE — 2507 Saint Paul Street is now the new home for Sistahs' Sweet Cozy Confectionary Cafe.
Erin and Lena Bowman say the cupcake business has been good to them the last two years.
"The main feeling is gratitude, just because it's so many, so much blood, sweat, and tears that go into it, but honestly just like gratitude for like our family, gratitude for God, for like giving us strength on the days that it's really hard, yah, just like so grateful," says Lena Bowman.
They have even had people travel from other states just to try one of their sweet treats from their trucks.
Thursday they decided to have a soft opening over the weekend for the business alongside the Valentine's Day holiday.
"Honestly, it still hasn't 100 percent hit me yet, but just seeing people coming in so excited and just so eager and ready, and it's not just to support but they actually enjoy the product, it's like wow we can actually make things that people like," says Erin Bowman.
Many of their family and friends visiting throughout the day to support them.
"I think it's inspiring, especially because they are so young and they have been doing this for a while. Not only is it inspiring for women that are younger than them that like hey, I can be a business owner, I can do something that I love, be a follower of Christ, and then also being an influence and guidance for people that are older than them. It's just inspiring, like they started so young and they are growing their business, so it's really exciting," says Jamece Wiggins.
The sisters say the best part is running the business together and being hands-on with every step.
"It's like a greater respect for each other, I think, as we continue in business," says Erin Bowman.
The sisters still have other parts of the business, the three food trucks, and the telegrams.
The sisters are planning on hosting a grand opening for this location in the spring, but in the meantime, you can still come in the cafe and place an order.