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Hundreds of kids enjoy a chance of a lifetime at Zay Flowers Youth Football Camp


SEVERN, Md. — The Zay Flowers Youth Football camp is an opportunity of a lifetime for young Ravens fans.

It was a hot day at Archbishop Spalding High School, but that didn't stop the hundreds of kids from coming out and playing football with Flowers.

"It's special to me because this is one of my first times ever doing this and probably the last, but I'll also have this in my memories," says Christian Mills, a 10th grader.

"It's probably going to be stuck in my mind for the next couple of days because it's gonna be, I've done something that nobody else has probably done that I know, because nobody else I know is here," says Gabe Hall, a 9th grader.

It was a jam-packed camp. Kids from all ages caught passes from Flowers, kicked field goals, ran drills and learned what it takes to be a special football player. It's why Dennis and Adama Garland brought their 2nd grader, Eli, out here.

"When I was young, I didn't have a chance to go to an NFL camp or anything like that. I want him to be able to have that experience," says Dennis Garland Jr.

Flowers himself was happy to provide this experience to kids who looked up to him. He remembers not having this opportunity growing up.

"I love working with the kids and this is a great opportunity for me to be out here and show the Ravens community that I'm out here with y'all and I'm supporting y'all the same way y'all support me," says Flowers. "I just wanted to be able to meet somebody and show them that y'all can do the same thing. I was a kid the same way y'all were and I just grinded my way here."

As the sport evolves, what good is a youth football camp without some girl power?

"I'm normally very confident at flag football, but when it's just football and it's coed, it takes a lot of courage to know you're gonna be around a ton of boys and there's not gonna be many girls." says Ashoyn Lackemeyer, a 10th grader.

"Doing this stuff at a different level is kind of difficult and challenging when everyone around us plays it differently than we do," says Laken Maniscarco, a 10th grader.

"I played football in elementary school and in sixth grade. Being around all the boys and thinking that I can't do what they can do but proving them wrong just makes me feel better about myself," says Zydeha Smith, a 9th grader.

Flowers, players and coaches all say this camp was a success, exceeding expectations.