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Morgan State University holds career fair for current, upcoming academic year

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BALTIMORE — Morgan State University is moving ahead with hiring for now and the coming academic year.

The school held a career fair Thursday for more than 80 openings across several departments, ranging from adjunct professors to plumbers. Several positions come with state benefits, including health insurance and free tuition.

Job seekers also met with one of the resume doctors to get their resumes fine-tuned, and attended sessions on dressing for success and interview prep.

Tegan Bargasse is a Morgan alum who came to the career fair.

“I am looking to pivot right now so I am exploring other job opportunities,” she says. “Most of the employment opportunities that I have heard about today are office opportunities for like directors, coordinators. I would say that I got what I needed to get out of today.”

If you missed the career fair, you still have a chance to find the job for you. Go here to university’s online application portal.