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Nonprofit gives students chance to succeed with household items


BALTIMORE COUNTY — Giving students a chance to succeed. That’s the mission of the Student Support Network.

And Thursday, they got a big check to help do the work.

Mt. Moriah Masons Lodge in Towson donated $20,000 so the Student Support Network can continue its mission. They provide free food, clothing, toiletries, school supplies and some household items to students at 21 Baltimore County schools.

Wendy Stringfellow is the executive director of the Network.

“These rooms of support are safe havens for students in poverty,” Stringfellow says. “Each room of support is unique. We remove barriers to access by meeting students where they are, in their schools.”

The donation will go to Rooms of Support at five Towson area schools. Dumbarton Middle School is one of those. Principal Mandy Shanks shared the story of a student who was new to her school.

“He didn’t speak to us, he didn’t smile, he just sat,” she recalls. “We offered him a granola bar. We asked if he was hungry, and he nodded. Over the next few days, we realized he and his mother needed a lot more than granola bars.”

They found out that the student’s mother was in chemotherapy treatment, and the single mom was struggling to stay afloat. They were able to go into the Room of Support and get what they needed. Shanks says that student is now in high school, doing well, and his mom is in remission.

“Our expectation and hope for the end of this year, and all school years, is that our students can celebrate moments of accomplishment and gratitude because our Room of Support has helped them along the way,” Shanks says.

There are 28 Baltimore County Public Schools are on the waiting list to get a Room of Support.

They’re also looking for volunteers, including seniors and students.

If you’d like to help, go to their website.