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Open houses set for proposed Red Line project

Red Line
Posted 7:15 PM, Jul 21, 2023
and last updated 10:00 PM, Jul 25, 2023

BALTIMORE — Plans for the Red Line continue to move forward, and the Maryland Transit Administration is launching a series of public events for the proposed regional line.

There'll be five open houses about the Red Line, starting July 26.

MTA Administrator Holly Arnold said the open houses are a chance for people to re-educate themselves about the project, and get answers about the transit modes that are being considered. There will also be a virtual version of the open houses.

Arnold said the MTA also wants to get formal feedback, and there will be a survey on the website.

Although much remains the same from the originally-proposed Red Line during Gov. Martin O'Malley's administration, there have been some changes in the route along the Bayview/Eastern Avenue area. The MTA is also looking at various modes of transit, including "bus rapid transit."

More information about the Red Line can be found here.