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Organizations push for mental health help for students after teen shooting


BALTIMORE — Organizations like 'Above It All' say that the impact of a shooting death of a minor, impacts other kids tremendously.

Children go through all types of emotions, but the one that is difficult for them to navigate on their own is grief. With the rise of killings of students around schools, more and more children are grieving their friends and classmates.

Some people worry there are not enough services available to keep up with the amount of students now dealing with this trauma.

"Traumatic situations are moments but the effects of those moments are continuous, it's like a ripple effect of impact that can occur. And sometimes it's not going to happen the next day, sometimes it's not going to happen the next week. So it's important for resources like the organization, like my organization and many other organizations to be there consistently for young people," says Tsanonda Edwards, member of Above It All.

Above It All Mental Health Program is one organization that offers services and therapists who will sit down with students individually to help them work through their struggles.

Other organizations that offer counseling and mentorship are "We Our Us", Mentoring Male Teens In the Hood and The Tendea Family.