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Orioles' Cole Irvin gifts bikes to students at Walter P. Elementary School


BALTIMORE — Class is back in session and kindergarten children at Walter P. Carter Elementary school were gifted free bikes.

Orioles starting pitcher Cole Irvin and All Kids Bike, partnered with their second Baltimore City School gifting 24 14-inch bikes, helmets, and pedal kits. It's part of their Learn-to-Ride Program. It also includes eight lessons teaching kindergarten children how to ride a bike properly.

"I remember some of my best days, were with my friends on my bike," said Irvin.

When Irvin isn't on the mound delivering strikes, he's handing out free bikes.

"The amount of kids that wanted to go for another round, I think told me everything that I wanted to hear. They're excited to ride bikes they're excited to go fast," said Irvin.

Joseph Eldridge, the principal at Walter P. Carter Elementary, was ecstatic for the giveaway.

"It's important for our kids to have this experience now because it gives them options. It gives them an opportunity to have fun in a new way and in an exciting way that also benefits their health. It gives them an opportunity to explore the city and see different things, so they can begin to have a bigger, deeper love for our city," said Eldridge.

He saw first hand the joy this giveaway brought his students. Having a professional athlete invest in his school, enhanced this experience.

"Our Baltimore Orioles care about our students too. That's important for our students to see because a lot of times when we see our sports players, we see them on TV or on the big screen," said Eldridge.

Irvin, equally as thrilled to give back, says he's just doing what major leaguers before him did.

"I remember guys like Matt Luke, who played in the major leagues would come to assemblies at my school and speak. Hopefully this is just a memory for them. An Orioles' athlete, whether they remember who I am is not important, but they know that members of teams in Baltimore are coming to their school showing them encouragement and lifting them up with positivity and opportunities to grow themselves," said Irvin.

All Kids Bike and Irvin say their goal is to partner with every school in Baltimore City, giving all kids a chance to learn how to ride a bike.