BALTIMORE — An Owings Mills ice cream company has agreed to shutter operations after an FDA inspection last year detected Listeria and unsanitary conditions.
A federal court last week permanently barred Totally Cool Inc. from manufacturing and distributing adulterated food products.
Totally Cool manufactured and distributed ice cream products sold under well known brand names like Friendly’s, Hershey’s Creamery Corporation, and ChipWich.
RELATED: Multiple ice cream products made in Owings Mills recalled over Listeria concerns
The case stems from a March 2024 complaint, alleging the company violated the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
According to the FDA, it's believed Listeria existed at Totally Cool's facility since at least 2017, potentially putting human health at risk.
This resulted in Totally Cool entering a food recall over health concerns.
The FDA later suspended Totally Cool’s food facility registration, leading the company to file for bankruptcy.
Totally Cool ultimately settled the issue by agreeing to a consent decree requiring them to discontinue all food processing and preparation operations.
With the settlement, Totally Cool was avoids having to admit any guilt or liability.