PARKVILLE, Md. — Prom season is coming up in a couple of months and the cost to attend the dance can quickly add up for students and their families.
Parkville High School's PTSA wants to ease the financial burden a bit by collecting gently used formal wear, accessories and shoes for students on a budget.
The clothing is being organized and distributed through the school's newly-formed Knights Closet. PTSA President Christy Blevins said they wanted to find a way to connect the community with the school.
"I wanted to provide something to help families," said Blevins, when asked why they started the Knights Closet.
"All of these dresses and clothes are probably just worn once and why have them sit in a closet, your closet, when they can become part of the Knights Closet and pass it forward to students."
Helping young folks get ready for prom season
They are also accepting business casual clothing for Senior Interview Day and Blevins said they hope to do more collections like this in the future for other big events.
"We have been so blessed by our community and them using this as an opportunity to feel good," she said.
Donations can be dropped off the front office at Parkville High School during school hours of 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Students have a chance to "shop" on March 15 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and March 18 and 20 from 5-8 p.m.