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Seafood restaurant in Preston is doing it different


PRESTON, Md. — Just after she steamed her first bushel of crabs out of the Choptank, she noticed her customers.

They were walking into her new seafood carryout, slumped over. Worried. Sad.

That is what happens when you live paycheck to paycheck.

So, Lindsay Vanous decided to do it different. Or D.I.D.

If you are struggling, not making ends meet, or down on your luck, you can come down to LNT Seafood in Preston.

You walk in and make a hard right and there is a food case. It is stuffed with donations from various groups, organizations, and businesses around Preston. Then you take what you need.

It's free. No questions asked.

Just leave a note on the wall for the next person who walks in.

“This is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life," Vanous said.

LNT Seafood is located at 233 Main Street in Preston, Maryland.