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Shannon Sneed officially running for Baltimore City Council President

Baltimore City Council

BALTIMORE — Former Councilwoman Shannon Sneed made it official as she launched her campaign for Baltimore City Council President.

“People of Baltimore are fed up and so am I. The violence that has plagued our streets is at a high we haven’t seen in ages, and so is the fear and anxiety too many of our residents feel,” said Sneed.

Sneed served on the Baltimore City Council from 2016-2020. She began her career working in public service as she was a journalist and also worked for the mayor's office.

The former councilwoman outlined several actions she hopes to take including:

  • Reducing youth violence and crime by dedicating investing in diversion programs
  • Increasing funding for city schools
  • Partner with Baltimore City Public Schools to support increased parental engagement
  • Adding 2,000 more positions to the YouthWorks program so Baltimore’s youths have more access to workforce and career training.
  • Demanding accountability from the police commissioner and police department by requiring a comprehensive plan of action that gets guns off our streets.
  • Mandating that 10% of the workforce in every contract approved by the Baltimore Board of Estimates be from Baltimore City.
  • Expanding public transit options to better support underserved communities

To read more about Sneed, click here.