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Students call for restoration of Blueprint funding cuts


ANNAPOLIS, MD — In the epicenter of Maryland's legislative buildings, students from around the state urged lawmakers to restore the proposed funding cuts to the blueprint.

"They call us the leaders of tomorrow but strip away the tools we need today," said a student to the crowd of around 100 people.

Governor Wes Moore proposed the cuts in planned funding in his Excellence in Maryland Public Schools Act.

The most problematic cuts come to community schools and collaborative time for teachers.

"Each pillar highlighted in the blueprint is critical for not just graduating scholars but for teachers, multilingual students, early childhood education, students in poverty, and more," said another student.

The house restored most of the governor's cuts last week.

The Senate has not passed its version of the bill.

"If we're willing to send our children to places that look like prisons to get an education. What's the message that we're sending them?" said Baltimore City Council President Zeke Cohen.

The governor has not commented on the changes to funding that have been ongoing between him and state house leadership.

Senate President Bill Ferguson defended the blueprint in his most recent press conference.

"There's no better time than now to make sure that we're investing in a world-class education system here in Maryland; it is our competitive advantage. Having an education system is fundamental to building our economy," said Ferguson.

Over the next three weeks, Maryland's legislature will decide the fate of the proposed cuts to the blueprint.