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Study: Baltimore is ranked 47th among most affordable cities to visit


BALTIMORE — Taking a trip outside of Baltimore is already expensive, now imagine the price for those who want to visit Charm City.

According to a study conducted by Dunhill Travel Deals, Baltimore is ranked 47th among most affordable cities to travel to.

The study showed that a four-night stay in Baltimore could cost about $4,380 for a family of four.

Individually, the costs would be around $1,520.

In other cities, the costs would range to about $4,437, with individual costs rounding out to $1,551.

The study found that three in five parents, about 59%, say cost is a challenge when traveling with children.

Half of those parents added that they avoid hotels and airlines with heavy fees, paying close attention to cancellation and refund policies to make sure they are putting their money in the right place.

For this study, researchers calculated the total cost of four averaged-priced round-trip flights, two averaged-priced hotel rooms for four nights, three averaged-priced meals per day for four people, and the cost of the average-priced rental car for four days.

So out of 100 cities that were involved in the study, Baltimore was in the median range of affordability.

The cheapest city for a family of four is Toledo at $2,852 and the most expensive is San Francisco at $5,860.

To view the study conducted by Dunhill Travel Deals, click here.