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'The person should just come forward,' A family seeks justice for hit and run victim in hospital


BALTIMORE — 21-year-old Keyon Mills was the victim of a hit-and-run on Mother's Day.

Since that day, he has been in the hospital recovering from his injuries.

Keyon Mills' sisters say he was at a 7-11 gas station with some friends just off Eastern Boulevard and Old Eastern Avenue.

Police say Mills was hit by a gray Chevrolet Silverado, and the driver kept going, leaving Mills in the street.

Police say the vehicle will be missing a passenger side mirror and possibly have damage to the passenger side bumper and windshield near the front right pillar.

Mills has injuries to his face and body, as well as damage to his brain.

He had to have three surgeries, one of them to reconstruct his face.

“The thing about it is was shocking, but thank God that his progress day by day just gets better," says Will Hightower, Mills' uncle. Metro Crime Stoppers is offering a $2,000 reward for any information connected to the hit-and-run.

“It’s a tragedy for your child to be hit and just left like you’re just some thing in the street ran over and people just keep going like it’s not nothing like what if that was your family like you could’ve at least stayed and try to help or stayed on the scene to make sure he was okay," says Kayliah Mills.
Stephen Howard says it has been hard watching his brother make small steps to recovery. Even weeks after the accident, he says Mills still has his mouth wired shut.

 “It’s hard right now because the doctor say he may or may not never be the same, and that’s hard to hear. It’s a hard pill to swallow," says Howard.

Kasai Mills says the family took matters into its own hands, trying to find any clues that may lead to the driver of the silverado, but so far they haven’t had much luck.

"Like, the person should come forward; if not, come forward I feel like the police need to do a lot more than what they’re doing right now to find justice for him," says Kasai Mills.