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MLB umps deliver bears to children


BALTIMORE — Major-league baseball Umpires are usually bearing down on home plate, yelling “safe” or “you’re out” to players hoping to score for their teams. This morning, a group of umpires went to the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center to put a bear in the arms of some awesome kids.

This event was brought to Hopkins by the “Umps Care Charity.” Each child received a Build-A-Bear stuffed toy for the occasion. The kids were happy to dress their bears up, but their parents were more elated to see the joy on their faces.

”To be here and to be able to give build a bears and see a smile on their face, and not only like the kids faces, but almost more importantly, the parents, and so it just to allow the parents to see their kids smile is really rewarding," said Bill Miller, MLB crew chief.

This particular crew of umps makes about 20 of these visits per year while traveling for games.