Apex Leadership Company is revolutionizing school fundraisers by empowering students and supporting their growth inside and outside the classroom.
The company specializes in creating fun, impactful leadership lessons that tie directly into fundraising efforts. Each two week program begins with an exciting pep rally kickoff, where students are introduced to leadership, play games, and get excited about the experience.
Then, the Apex team is on-site for the next two weeks for daily lessons and fun activities. At the end of the program, each school gets a fun Event Day - a mega celebration designed to get kids moving, engaged, and excited!
Funds raised during the event day go toward enriching the student experience at that school. Last year, Apex raised nearly $70 million through 15,000 events nationwide to support field trips, classroom supplies, teacher appreciation efforts, and other activities.
With Apex handling much of the heavy lifting, the responsibility of fundraising is shared to help ease the burden on schools and teachers. Apex asks for PTA or PTO volunteers for event day and takes the rest from there!
Learn more here.