LifestyleMidday Maryland


Baltimore County Department of Aging makes sure no senior eats alone


The Baltimore County Department of Aging would like to invite everyone to join in their sixth annual No Senior Eats Alone Day to draw attention to the physical and mental health benefits of living connected by sharing a meal on Thursday, September 12, 2024.

Social isolation can be as hard on the body as physical ailments, and seniors are more at risk for loneliness and isolation. Sharing a meal together not only nourishes the body, it allows for social connection and improves health and happiness.

On September 12, 20 senior center locations in Baltimore County will offer a day of food and activities. Home-bound seniors are encouraged to join virtually through the OPAL Virtual Senior Center. County partners Baltimore County Public Library will host a special breakfast, and other community leaders, police and fire department staff will assist in handing out or delivering meals. There are also discounts available at local restaurants!

Learn more and register at your center here.