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Baltimore Museum of Art - Joan Mitchell


Joan Mitchell is an extraordinary opportunity to see the work of one of the most significant artists of the post-war era as numerous loans from public and private collections in the U.S. and Europe include works that have not been shown publicly in decades and never in a single exhibition.

The exhibition at the Baltimore Museum of Art continues through August 14, 2022, co-organized by the BMA and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, follows the career of the internationally renowned artist who attained critical acclaim and success in the male-dominated art circles of 1950s New York, then spent nearly four decades in France creating breathtaking abstract paintings that evoke landscapes, memories, poetry, and music.

The exhibition features 70 works—from rarely seen early paintings and drawings to multi-panel masterpieces that immerse viewers with their symphonic color. The BMA’s presentation also includes many archival photographs, letters, poems, and other materials from the Joan Mitchell Foundation, providing additional context about the development of the artist’s work and influences.

The exhibition reiterates the artistic connections of poetry and music with an immersive soundscape that includes quotes taken from Mitchell’s writing and interviews and literature and music significant to the artist. The experience is optimized for headphones in the gallery and accessible for visitors through an app on their mobile device or a player borrowed from the museum.

Learn more here.