LifestyleMidday Maryland


Building for God Community Foundation - End of Year Giving


Building for God Community Foundation (BFGCF) partners with local, private, growth-oriented nonprofits in the Baltimore area and recognize them as their Champions in Life.

BFGCF provides their Champions with short-term and long-term grant funds, but also, and more importantly, provides them with professional and personal support in a variety of areas, like strategic planning, mentorship, accounting, guidance, friendship, and so much more.

To help BFGCF continue their legacy of care and love for the amazing works of their Champions in Life, consider joining The Perseverando Society. Perseverando is the membership arm of the Foundation and recognizes the generosity, perseverance, and love of individuals who has elected to name BFGCF in their legacy giving or have chosen to donate to the Foundation on any recurring frequency.

To learn more about the Foundation and to join The Perseverando Society today, click here.