LifestyleMidday Maryland


Chronic Illness and Mental Health


Chronic illnesses affect more than just physical health - they can also take a huge toll on one’s mental health. One of these debilitating, chronic conditions is Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), a serious, progressive and potentially vision-threatening rare autoimmune disease that causes eye bulging, double vision and extreme pain, among other symptoms.

Not only does TED have an impact on one’s physical appearance, but it can also affect emotional well-being, causing challenges such as decreased self-confidence and loss of interest in socializing. Three-time Olympic Gold Medalist Gail Devers has been living with Graves’ disease and symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) for more than 30 years.

Through the launch of the ‘Dear TED’ letter writing campaign, people living with or caring for someone with TED are encouraged to write to TED directly about the impact it has had on their lives and how they’re no longer allowing TED to control them. To submit your own Dear TED letter, or read others, click here.

To learn more about TED, click here.