LifestyleMidday Maryland


Cindi Avila - Fabulous Fall Brunch


For many of us, Fall is the most fantastic time of the year. Natural Foods Chef Cindi Avila joins us with some tips to make your Fall Brunch a fabulous one:

Put a spin on the classic bellini with Beetology! Beetinis mix champagne with beet and cherry juice for a fun, festive cocktail. You can also mix Beetology with powdered sugar to ice your favorite apple cider donuts!

Swap out the butter in your pumpkin bread recipe with Mighty Sesame Tahini and people will ask for your secret ingredient!

Sip on a warm, cozy fall cocktail made with Macallan Whisky.

From pumpkin flavored treats to veggie platters and even decor, The Fresh Market is one stop shopping for all your fall needs!

Learn more here.