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College Board - AP African American Studies


Recently, the College Board released the revised framework of Advanced Placement African American Studies, a course that covers an important part of American history, culture, and literature.

AP African American Studies is a college-level, interdisciplinary introductory course that covers the history and experiences of African Americans in the United States within the broader context of the African diaspora. Through primary sources in history, literature, and the arts, students in the course will develop skills across multiple fields, with an emphasis on developing historical, literary, visual, and data analysis skills.

Students will explore diverse topics such as early African societies and the roots of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Great Migration and the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black is Beautiful movement of the 1970s. This revised framework will be used when the course is formally launched in the 2024-25 academic year. Nearly 700 schools are piloting the course in the 2023-24 academic year, representing 44 states and 13,000 students.

Learn more here.