LifestyleMidday Maryland


DK Law - Family Decisions


Proactive estate planning is one of the best things you can do for your loved ones. While having a will in place can help direct financial and other wishes, the true picture of estate planning encompasses more than that.

Attorney Diana Khan realized the importance of estate planning after her mother fell ill. Health crises or major family changes can highlight exactly where pain points are. If you were to become hospitalized and uncommunicative tomorrow, would your loved ones be able to get into your accounts to pay bills or know how to take care of your pet?

Additionally, having a loved one in a vulnerable position can cause grief for you and those around you. It can be hard to focus on the situation when there are so many details in the air.

Estate planning can help give you a smooth runway if something catastrophic happens. It gives your family clear instructions that they can feel confident in following. Attorneys from DK Law Group can even meet you at the hospital or your home to go over options.

Learn more here, or call or text Diana at 443-739-6724.