LifestyleMidday Maryland


Fill A Glass With Hope - American Dairy Association - Safeway


American Dairy Association North East has partnered with Safeway's Nourishing Neighbors program to raise money to provide fresh milk distribution to regional food banks and food pantries.

Milk is one of the most requested items at food banks, but one of the least donated due to refrigeration needs for milk. Milk is also a staple for foods that need prep, like cake mixes.

The program is especially important in the summer months, when kids lose access to free school lunches and families’ reliance on food assistance drastically increases. The Maryland Food Bank says 1 in 3 Marylanders struggle with food insecurity. Money raised by Safeway customers at 111 stores in the region will allow the Maryland Food Bank and Capital-Area Food Bank to purchase fresh milk to distribute to local food pantries and members of the community in need.

Learn more here, or donate at your local Safeway through June 30.