LifestyleMidday Maryland


Finley Alexander Wealth Management - Holiday Budgets


These last few years have been unique to say the least. What started with toilet paper shortages, homemade vodka sanitizer, and a run on housing now has delivered us to a low car inventory, staff shortages everywhere, but more big screen TVs than any of us could ever need.

Retailers have massive inventory in all the things we probably don't need, but certainly like to have. Cyber Monday. Wallet Wednesday. The Fourth Black Friday in a row. The texts and emails about sales and more sales are more intense this year than ever before.

So, with record inflation but great deals to be had, how do we manage to keep ourselves on track this holiday season?

  • Prioritize your needs.
  • Think outside the box for creative (and not necessarily pricey) gifts.
  • Show up and share your time.

Click here for more Money Monday tips from Kyle Winkfield.