LifestyleMidday Maryland


First Alert - Holiday Safety


Now that the holiday season is upon us, many families are adding decorations to their homes and spending a lot of time in the kitchen prepping holiday meals. While this is a festive time of year, it’s also important to remember to celebrate safely.

Check that your fire and carbon monoxide alarms are installed and working properly. Alarms should be updated every ten years. Newer alarms can help detect fire better than previous models, while reducing nuisance alarms, like non-fire smoke from cooking.

Keep your tree away from heat sources like radiators and fireplaces, and make sure to keep your live tree watered.

Candles are a great way to set a holiday atmosphere, but use them with caution. Never leave a burning candle unattended, and always make sure candles are extinguished at the end of the night.

Learn more here.