LifestyleMidday Maryland


Listing a home for fall? The W Home Group has a some great tips


The W Home Group is the number one team of agents in Maryland, formed with the best of the best agents. Working together means agents can collaborate to find exactly what their clients need.

As a full service agency, W Home Group agents are top experts in their field. Not only can they help with buying, selling, and negotiating, but they also can connect you with industry pros to get the home ready for market. Small changes can make a big impact, so if you're thinking of listing for Fall, think about curb and home appeal. Consider powerwashing siding or walkways, clean gutters, and make sure bushes are pruned back.

Sellers can expect a small slow down, as fall and winter are typically slower market months. However, agents are still anticipating a seller's market is interest rates stay the same.

If you're buying or selling, or even want to know how to best improve your home for market, contact the W Home Group here.