LifestyleMidday Maryland


Maryland TraumaNet - Emergency Preparedness


Disasters or emergencies can happen at any time. Having a safety plan, a survival kit, and other necessities ready and on hand can make a big difference.

You should have a plan in place for each family member, including kids and pets. Once that plan is made, you can then fill in steps as necessary to makes sure everyone stays safe and knows what to do.

Survival kits should stay packed in an easily accessible bag and location and include non-perishable food, water, medications, blankets, and basic necessities in the event of an emergency. Also consider a multi tool, flashlight, AM/FM radio, and extra chargers and batteries.

Listen to all alerts and guidance provided by the authorities.

Maryland TraumaNet is a multidisciplinary organizational advocacy group, consisting of representatives from each Maryland Trauma Center, focused on issues regarding the provision of trauma care within the Maryland Trauma System. Learn more about their mission here.