LifestyleMidday Maryland


Menopause Awareness Month


Known as the "Menopause Educator" by her 250,000+ Tik Tok followers, Andrea Donsky (@andreadonsky) is on a mission to normalize the conversation around the still very-much taboo topics of perimenopause and menopause. Andrea shares some myths below:

  • "I'm Too Young" - The average age of menopause in the US is 51, and perimenopause can start 10 years before menopause, so if you're feeling symptoms in your 40s, you aren't alone.
  • "Menopause Feels the Same for Everyone" - Everyone will experience menopause differently. Some will have debilitating symptoms, some more mild, and 13 -15% may not have any symptoms at all.
  • "I Don't Need a Doctor" - Even if your symptoms are mild, seeing a doctor regularly can help take care of any issues before they arise. Tell you doctor if anything feels off, and make sure to get yearly blood work.
  • "Menopause is an Illness" - While it is marked by more than 85 different symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, increased anxiety, increased bruising and itchiness, restless legs, body odor, and more, menopause is not an illness - it's a normal phase of life.

Learn more from Andrea on TikTok or by clicking here.