LifestyleMidday Maryland


Positively Fearless Campaign

Positively Fearless Campaign

Today, over 37 million people are living with HIV, and, despite advances in treatment and widespread distribution of antiviral drugs, the number of people contracting HIV is still alarmingly high.

As recently as 2019, Black Americans (representing 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 44% of new HIV diagnoses and Hispanics and Latinos (representing 18% of the U.S. population) made up 39% of new HIV diagnoses.

While these statistics are alarming, substantial progress has been made towards the goal of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Today, living with HIV means you can still thrive with HIV, which means prioritizing your health and wellbeing. It calls for self-reflection, requires self-acceptance and demands a daily commitment to living our best lives. Self-care might look different for everyone, but at its core, it's about putting your health and wellness first.

HIV Advocates and Ambassadors for the Positively Fearless campaign talk about their journeys living with HIV and share why it is so important to take control and have “brave talks” with those around you, like your healthcare provider or loved ones, to truly live fearlessly —and thrive with HIV.

Learn more here.