LifestyleMidday Maryland


Real Estate Rundown with W Home Group - Buy and Sell Together


Buying a new home while selling your current home doesn't have to be overwhelming. The right real estate agent can help come up with multiple plans that cover all of your bases so you feel ready and confident in the process.

The W Home Group is the number one team of agents in Maryland, formed with the best of the best agents. Working together means agents can collaborate to find exactly what their clients need.

Getting a plan together before your process starts can help reduce stress, and there are both financial and contractual options that can help ease the burden. Mortgage companies offer bridge loans or buy now/sell later programs so buyers aren't carrying two mortgages.

Contracts can also help guide your timeline. Buyers can agree to a rent-back option, which allows the seller to remain in the home for a set amount of time.

Learn more here and speak with a W Home agent today and start planning!