LifestyleMidday Maryland


Sleep and Heart Health Connection


Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in US adults. About 80% of people have below-optimal cardiovascular health, and only 19% of adults have high heart health.

Poor sleep habits can put you at risk for severe heart problems, like heart attacks or even strokes. Getting the recommended hours of sleep for your age group (most adults need between 7-9 hours) could improve your heart health.

Smart watches and other wearables can also help in the fight. New trials are underway using smart watches to monitor heart activity, allowing patients to target their blood-thinning medication use in response to an AFib episode.

AI is transforming the way doctors take care of patients and 72% of healthcare executives trust AI to help in patient care. The goal is to achieve earlier detection of cardiovascular disease, which will lead to better management and outcomes.

Learn more here.