LifestyleMidday Maryland


UHC - Maryland's Senior Health Report


The United Health Foundation recently released the America’s Health Rankings 2024 Senior Report, which highlights strengths, challenges, and disparities in the health and well-being of older Americans across all 50 states.

Nationally, there is promising improvement in senior access to high speed internet. Internet access is paramount in keeping older adults connected to friends and family as well as telehealth appointments with care providers. The number of geriatric health providers has also seen an overall national increase. Some challenges across the country include the rising cost of housing and food insecurity.

In Maryland, seniors are doing well. Among people 65 and older in the state, there was an increase in preventative health measures like vaccinations, cancer screenings, and yearly well visits. Maryland seniors also have a lower rate of obesity and lower fall rates than the national average.

That doesn't mean the state is without its challenges. Maryland's high cost of living has impacts seniors, and older adults in our state are more likely to fall victim to internet crime and scams.

The report hopes to give community leaders the data they need to keep seniors connected to their communities and support services. Read the full report here.