LifestyleMidday Maryland


UnitedHealthcare - Back Pain Relief


While remote work offers greater flexibility for many people, it may also contribute to an increased risk of back pain. Working from home may mean you aren't set up at an ewrgonomic work station, or working from your bed or couch. Dr. Russell Amundson, a neurosurgeon and national senior medical director for UnitedHealthcare offers some tips to decrease the pain:

- Make sure you are positioned straight up with your knees at a 90-degree angle, with your shoulders in a straight line over your hips and your ears directly over your shoulders.

- Adjust your computer screen height to eye level and elevate the keyboard to help keep your hands, wrists, and forearms in line and parallel to the floor.

- Avoid slouching or resting the laptop on your stomach or chest, as that may put your wrists at an awkward angle.

Learn more here.